I am a writer, editor, and researcher living in Tokyo, Japan—at work on an essay collection exploring technological mediation and ambient environment as conduits for trauma healing. You can go to my website for more information.

Design by Maia Gawor-Sloane

“Dog-Eared” is a free bi-monthly newsletter that explores death, grief, and memory. There is also additional weekly content for paying subscribers: Wednesday’s “Process Diaries” and Saturday’s “Saturday Mournings.” Paying subscribers also gain access to the entire archive, including essays previously published under “You Can’t Laugh.” There are three tiers available: monthly ($5/mo), annually ($50/yr), and founding patron ($75/yr).

As a writer, paywalling certain posts feels counterintuitive to my overall personal philosophy—that art should be freely accessible and open to everyone—but as I carve out my own freelance career, financially supporting “Dog-Eared” provides me the opportunity to create a more intimate community between myself and this newsletter’s readers. And as homage to Haley Nahman, who writes one of my personal favorites “Maybe Baby,” I will comp 2 paid subscriptions for every 25 that I receive. If you are interested in having your subscription comped, please tell me here.

An important note: Substack newsletters tend to end up in spam or junk folders! If you want to be certain you don’t miss any updates, make sure to flag “Dog-Eared” so that it is sent to your primary mail folder.

Finally, this newsletter’s logo is by artist Maia Gawor-Sloane. I am fortunate to have her onboard as my house designer, and you can look forward to seeing more illustrations and graphics in my essays from here on out. You can see her full portfolio here.

Subscribe to Dog-Eared by Rachel Joan Klein

Dog-Eared is a free weekly newsletter that explores death, grief, and memory.


I am a writer, researcher, and editor living in Tokyo, Japan. Currently at work on an essay collection that explores the relationship between technological remediation and grief.